Why does everything Yahoo! buy need the Word Yahoo! added to it. "Yahoo! Widget Engine..." a little too not-so-little name.
Read more at widgets.yahoo.com/
if ( you.UnderstandThis == true ) you = GeekLikeMe;
Why does everything Yahoo! buy need the Word Yahoo! added to it. "Yahoo! Widget Engine..." a little too not-so-little name.
Read more at widgets.yahoo.com/
Just like my fellow geeks out there, I love Google Maps. But Andru Edwards over at Gear Live shows a use for this great Web Application that I never even thought of before.
Gear Live | How Google Maps Got Me Out Of A Traffic Ticket
Today while working I was trying to open a PDF file from my development site, and my browser locked-up on me. While I am developing, I usually have a lot of applications running and a lot of windows open, so I missed a dialog telling me to turn on automatic updates for Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.
Now I have to admit, I have been very happy with this release of Acrobat. It has proven itself to be fast and light weight when opening a PDF document, and has been flawless at opening within the browser. But this bugged me. Luckily humor saved the day when Adobe’s little update utility popped up with the following (un-edited I swear) dialog.
Ahhh… isn’t that sweet. It just needed a little attention…
Well I knew that I was in need of an energy shot this morning, so I made a stop at my favorite breakfast spot: Jamba Juice.
I didn't know about my apparent drinking problem though...
Nothing says style like green splats of Match Green Tea Energy Shot with OJ on your shirt.
So what if Star Wars (any Episode) generated so much hype. It is the parodies that win my heart. So with just a little more a do (don't you hate when people pull that “without further a do” bull$#!+... I mean isn't that some more a do?) I give you:
Robin had two awesome posts (here and here) describing a little bit about our philosophy of parenting. We are not trying to make anyone that feels differently than us feel like they are wrong in how they raise their own children, but instead trying to open a dialog with anyone who raises young children.
We feel that there is a lot more to learn about what is best for young children, and it is this reason that we would love to openly discuss techniques and philosophies that other care-givers have. Above all, one primary philosophy that we truly take to heart and are striving to apply, is the Non-Violent Parenting Philosophy. We even attend parenting classes at the Center for Non-Violent Education and Parenting that support and help us to work through the difficulties of parenting while keeping it all in a gentle and connected approach. One statement that the founder, Ruth Beaglehole made in class one day (probably many other times as well) was that:
"A child, even an infant, is a full human being. Just because they cannot support themselves, does not make them any less complete as a human being."
It took me a little while to swallow the full meaning of this small statement, but once I did, it gave me a profound new perspective on how I treat not only my on children, but any that I come into contact with.
Well, I could go on and on just about what we have learned at the center and from our dialogs with Ruth, but I would rather open a discussion about all (please only those that you feel are for the childrens' best interest) your ideas.
Why don't you read or post comments on my blog?